Wednesday 26 October 2011

Hypnosis revisited

In July, I decided to give hypnosis a spin. I have been along to several sessions in the intervening months and it has been an interesting experience.  As I said previously, no, you won't bark like a dog. Or be controlled by some manipulative Svengali. But it is a deeply relaxing experience designed to direct positive messages to your subconscious. Kind of like meditation, but a guided meditation that feels like a mental mini break.

Hypnosis takes me (or I take it) to happy places. Places I didn't even know were my happy places.  Underwater swimming across a white sand seabed amongst gently waving seagrass. Or to a sunny walled garden with a fountain, relaxing on a lounger under a tree listening to the water. (Re the watery theme - I am Piscean you know.)

And the general takeout from the process is that I am in control of my life, there is lots to look forward to and what a jolly good chap I am. All very nice messages thank you, and somehow they seem to have been sinking in. Because 4 months down the track I have lost a big chunk of weight, am more focussed on career change and am of a generally happier demeanour than I was  6 months ago.

Hypnosis - I recommend it.

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