Tuesday 11 June 2013

Time and Motion Study

OK, I'm going all Victor Meldrew.  But really....
Time and motion study #1. To the lady I was stuck behind today as she took 7 manoeuvres to back  into a car space... Why bother? It's clearly easier to back out from a little space to a big one than vice versa. Or was it just practise?  With a string of cars behind you?

Time and motion study #2. If 1 of the 2 sets of underground carpark lifts is shut down, please post the advisory notice at the entry barrier rather than on the defunct lift. That way, patrons can choose to park in the section with the working lift rather than hike from one end to the other and back. Twice.

Time and motion study #3. To the sandwich girl at the station. The point of the blue plastic gloves is to keep germs off the food. You don't wear them to take payment, make change and then go back to handling the food. Eurgh...