Friday 11 May 2012


Please God, oh please do not let me utter the words 'Actually I look younger than my age' or 'I feel a lot younger than I look' or 'I'm young at heart' or 'My friends tell me a look much younger' or 'You're only as young as the man you feel' or any other such utterances.

What is wrong with being a woman of experience, perspective and a self deprecating sense of  humour? One with a broad grin framed by smile lines, who might be a bit soft around the edges (think of a cuddly toy for grownups...)

What's wrong with approaching the road ahead with a bit of self respect and dignity? And some appreciation of the life you have lived and learned from?

I have been reading too many internet dating site profiles and it can make for a depressing read. Actually, it is an issue that is even broader than that.  It extends into the workplace and pervades society in general. When did maturity,  intelligence and self respect become a crime? Down with this cult of youth I say. We should nip it in the bud (with our older, sharp thorny stems....)

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