Wednesday 4 May 2011

Not a fluff head...

OK. Dandelion Daze. Not so much about vacuous, disordered thinking.  More about the fact that I am struck by an endless well of thoughts, observations and ideas, that if not recorded, drift off into the ether. I'm not sure that there will be a cohesive thread to this blog, but let's see where it goes.

Todays topic is the Royal Wedding. In fact, not so much the Royal Wedding per se, but the enormous crowds that camped out, queued and crushed themselves up against the barriers to view it.  Why?  I got a much better view at home on the telly.

There is too much media and marketing hype about the 'event' and 'being there'. When I think back to my last couple of visits to the O2 arena (bring your oxygen tank and binoculors with you - you'll be tucked in under the roof) and the proliferation of music festivals (be there or be square), we are encouraged to congregate together in enormous crowds to be 'part of the experience'.

Frankly, crowds of my fellow humanity give me a rash. I love people, but more one on one or in small groups.  Get me in a crowd and I start stressing about where the toilets are, or the water vendors, or how I'm going to get to the car park afterwards, let alone actually get out of it. I don't want to be on my feet for 7 hours, or squished into a seat designed for an 10 year old. I like my space. I like to stretch my legs or take a load off when I feel like it. I don't want to be lodged in some sweaty blokes armpit, or behind a tall man or a medium sized woman with a large hat.

But big crowds mean money and there is an inevitable momentum. If they promote the throngs attending or the run on tickets, we feel that maybe we're missing out on something, and join the queue - we're turning into a nation of sheep. And the ticket prices just keep spiralling upwards....

Me? I'll be staying home this summer. Or going to small venues.  Or watching the big stuff on the trusty flatscreen - with friends perhaps. I have a great imagination. I'll just shut my eyes and think myself there....

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