Monday 16 May 2011

Garden Fever

Loving the garden right now.  Especially loving the newly painted and willow screened fence, painted shed, new irrigation system and impending shingle/paved path. Is there such a thing as 'finishing' the garden? It's been a long slog getting there...

The thing I love about the garden is it's unpredictability. It changes a bit every year, even with all my planning and scheming.  This year has seen an overly generous germination of seeds (what can I do with 4 dozen tomato plants??), the lupins have disappeared but the giant poppies are taking over like Triffids. The pear tree, which had a bumper crop last year, looks like a bit of a fizzer for 2011, while the blueberry and raspberries are finally hitting their stride.  And the strawberries have aggressively invaded the barked areas under and around the clothes line and are settling in like a band of Travellers...

So.  Loving the garden. Not so much the sneezing and itchy eyes that have also arrived in a week of dry windy weather. Garden fever indeed. However, I find an antihistamine complements my gin and tonic nicely as I swan around plucking wild strawberries, stripping aphids off the roses and kicking bark chips off the lawn (the pesky blackbirds are very messy fossickers - and my girlie lawnmower doesn't do timber).

So roll on Summer.  And a respite from these Spring sneezes....

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