Yes, the days are warmer and the lawn is showing an enthusiastic burst of growth. Although in terms of Spring flowers, only the snowdrops have made an appearance to date.
While I've pulled out the outdoor chairs and copped a bit of Vitamin D over the last few days, now it's time get a few chores done. (Before I get onto the pretty planty flowery picky things.)
Firstly, attacking the nasty thorny climbing rose from next door that didn't get an adequate pruning in Autumn and is now forming a Sleeping Beauty like barrier to the side access and gate.
Next, quickly taking the secateurs to the hydrangeas and cutting back to the first new growth. They need a proper deadhead and haircut frankly (a bit like me in fact).
And then of course, giving the lawn a good mow and a dose of feed and moss killer (it's more moss than grass at the moment). Also, unfortunately, some of the emergency seeds I liberally scattered on the snow for the local birds over winter, seem to have sunk through and taken root. It will be interesting to see what comes up - sunflowers perhaps?