There are several misconceptions about knitting.
1) Knitting wool usually isn't. Wool. Mostly it's a well crafted acrylic/nylon/polyester mix. Real fibres are very expensive apparently.
2) Knitting will save you money? It will not. Especially if you like natural fibres (see point number 1).
3) Knitting is hot and retro - according to my stepdaughter. She used this logic when she inveigled me to knit babyclothes for her bump. Me as hot Granny. Ha!
4) Knitting is easy? Well, the actual knitting is easy enough. It's the counting and following a pattern that's difficult, especially in front of the telly (when you are trying to follow the movie).
5) Knitting is harmless? Yeah right. Within a week I've developed tennis elbow/tendonitis and blurred vision (OK, maybe I should be wearing my reading glasses)...
6) Home knitted garments are always appreciated? Not when I was growing up they weren't. There were years (remember, NZ sheep farming background) where I was dressed head to toe in handknits, and I didn't like it!
There is something very satisfying when another soft little garment is finished.
Maybe I'll keep going.... Just one more baby beret.... and maybe some little, tiny, cute wee shoes too.